I can vividly remember the day that Yolkie finally – after much berating – agreed to let me send him an article for 7Cantonas. I sat at my typewriter and scratched my head. What was I going to write about? Tactically I am retarded; I have as much nous as Rafael Benitez, so that was out of the question. I couldn’t do match reviews because I am just too biased. If a goal is scored against United not only is it the fault of the match officials, I can also usually pin the blame to at least 7 other sources;
Global warming, 7th day Adventists, swarming locusts, Jamie Carragher etc etc.
I also couldn’t be trusted to review the papers as I have a slight penchant for embroidering the truth and fairly reasonable headlines could become scandal coated fabrications that would rock the game to its very core.
So what was I left with? I started perusing the interwebnet and came across the quotes from Thieving Gerrard about Joe Cole being the best player in the world and instantly I was inspired. I managed to create a whole article mocking the words of the foolish DJ beater and “A Week In Football” was born. Half a season later and Yolkie and Kyle are still letting me soil their website with my vitriol, despite the odd threat of legal action, and now as a way of wrapping up the 2010/11 season, the one in which United became THE most successful club in the history of English football, we have collated every single edition and put them together in a downloadable PDF format. Many thanks to Sam Chivers (@CenterSneak) for all the work he has done creating this PDF.
Please feel free to download and read at your leisure, maybe ring bind and laminate them and give them to a scouser for Christmas. All we ask is that you consider following the link To Alan Tonge’s (Sir Alex Ferguson’s first signing at United) page and think about making a donation to the fantastic cause that he is representing. All donations can be made by visiting Alan’s page on Virgin Money Giving.
This free PDF will only be available until Alan’s deadline, which is 15 June. Please enjoy the compilation of this season’s A Week In Football, and while you’re at it please donate to a fantastic cause.
DOWNLOAD: 7Cantonas – A Year in Football – Issue One
*Right-click the link and select “Save link as…” to download the PDF. We apologize for the long download times. We would suggest starting the download and then reading some of our old content while you wait. Thank you.
If you have a Scribd account, then you can also download through them using the following link;
7Cantonas – A Year in Football – Issue One