Kevin Pilkington competition; winners & next giveaway | Manchester United News

Kevin Pilkington competition; winners & next giveaway

Kevin Pilkington competition; winners & next giveaway contributor, Luton Town goalkeeper and former Manchester United goalkeeper Kevin Pilkington has given us a few pairs of signed goalkeeper gloves to give away to our readers and Twitter followers.

Yolkie put the first question on Twitter today, asking followers to name the teams that he represented Manchester United at Old Trafford against. There were four teams; Crystal Palace, Chelsea, Sheffield Wednesday and Everton.

A few people got the answer right, and our winner at random is : Laura Bateman.

For our next giveaway, we want you to help promote 7Cantonas on Twitter. Once we get to 2000 followers we’ll be giving away another pair of signed gloves from Kevin and also a small football signed by him too.


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